來源: Nate
翻譯: Suehan'ѕ blog

- It was your first stage with Kim Hyun Joong. What kind of person is Kim Hyun Joong when you see him in person?

是第一次同金賢重同台吧? 說說你眼中的金賢重是個什麼樣的人吧。

▶ He is very enthusiastic and innocent. Actually, I'm sometimes motivated because of him. A while ago, I heard from him about his dream and passion, and I become enthusiastic again since then. He is truly a desirable young man.

他是個純真而有激情的人。 事實上,很多時候,他給了我很多動力。 不久前,他的夢想和熱情也鼓舞了,讓我重新有了動力。 他是個很讓人喜愛的年輕人。

- The fans says that you two look alike and there are pictures comparing the two of you.


▶ I really appreciate that. When I shot “TWSSG”, someone told me that I, in the picture without glasses, was similar to Kim Hyun Joong. I was very happy to hear that (laugh).

我真的感謝那麼做的人。 當我拍攝,TWSSG時, 有人跟我說,我不戴眼鏡的時候很像金賢重。 聽了那話,我很高興。

You became Yonsama from an actor, and now you are changing your position to train and support your junior colleagues.


▶ We are heading in too deep of a direction... You're right. It seems that I just follow the passage of time, not making something unwillingly. It's true that I was confused a bit and I felt some emptiness in a weak moment. I was motivated by Hyun Joon's enthusiasm. Don't you agree with me? Please don't write it down seriously.

-問題問的很深呢。 你說的很對。 看起來我似乎是按照自己的意願一路走來。 但是,說實話,已開始也有些迷茫,脆弱的時候也很空虛。 但是金賢重的熱情給了我很大的動力。 你也同意吧。 請不要寫的太嚴肅了。

- I heard that you have a karaoke machine in your house. Why are you not singing at the event?


▶ Because I can't sing well. (laugh) I wanted to practice singing, so I bought the machine. I think I can sing well after I drink, but it's hard when I sing at home. It's hard to hear myself singing. Hmm... like that... I'll try again. Hyun Joong told me he would teach me how to dance. (Everyone is quiet.)

因為我唱的不是很好。 我買了機器時想在家聯繫。 我覺得我喝醉之後唱的還不錯,但是在家唱的很一般。 聽不道自己唱歌什麼樣子。 我會繼續努力的。 賢重說他會教我跳舞的。 (每個人都很靜)


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